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Feature Posts

The complex nature of defining “Healthy”

Retailers are under constant pressure to diversify and emphasise their product offering through a health lens. However, differentiating “healthier” products is highly complex, requiring data-led nutrition and demanding attention from regulatory framework, nutritional guidelines, and product label knowledge.

Are you confident in the results and coverage of your product search? Think again.

One of the most important aspects of a food retailer’s site is its search functionality. Without a robust system in place, you inhibit your customers’ ability to shop for the products they need. With the correct indexing customers can find what they’re looking for with ease.

Turning the tide against nutritional misinformation in the digital age

With accurate nutrition tools for digital creators & end users, scalable impact across both digital and physical food environments can be realised.

Vary your protein – be more creative

Protein is important for many things – from muscle growth to a healthy immune system. We should be eat a wider variety of proteins, especially from plant-based sources. Here’s the how and why.

Get at least 5 A DAY – put plenty on your plate 

In the UK, it’s recommended that we all eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Here’s the how and why.

Shoppers rewarded for healthy baskets with Spoon Guru-Schnucks partnership

Spoon Guru has partnered with US supermarket chain Schnuck Markets, Inc. to develop and launch an exclusive, new healthy eating platform. Good For You helps customers make healthy choices by using a set of nutrition guidelines to identify products, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains and low in added sugar and saturated fat, to help shoppers eat, feel, and live healthier. 

How climate change will affect nutrition

As an industry, we talk a lot about climate change and how it has an effect on the supply chain – what we haven’t heard a lot about is how climate change will have an effect on just how nutritious our foods will be.  

HFSS: what has been done before and do these restrictions work?

We took a little look at what has been done around the world to help populations shift towards healthier choices – what seems to be working, and which interventions have failed and why. 

US consumers say they eat healthier, but are they really?

While nearly half of consumers believe health and wellness have become more important over the past year during the pandemic, the reality is that healthier products occupy less than a quarter of consumer spend. So how do we shift that desire into changing what is in consumers’ shopping baskets?