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Feature Posts

The complex nature of defining “Healthy”

Retailers are under constant pressure to diversify and emphasise their product offering through a health lens. However, differentiating “healthier” products is highly complex, requiring data-led nutrition and demanding attention from regulatory framework, nutritional guidelines, and product label knowledge.

Are you confident in the results and coverage of your product search? Think again.

One of the most important aspects of a food retailer’s site is its search functionality. Without a robust system in place, you inhibit your customers’ ability to shop for the products they need. With the correct indexing customers can find what they’re looking for with ease.

Build vs Buy – The never ending conundrum

Incorporating an AI-based Nutrition Data component to your existing technology stack might seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s why the easiest solution is to partner with a specialized technology provider like us, and gain immediate access to cutting-edge solutions without the hassle of in-house development.

The Future Unveiled: Small Language Models in Nutrition’s Next Frontier

What does the future of AI assistance in food and nutrition look like? Our CTO explores the potential of Small Language Models (SLMs) to help us navigate dietary choices, combat food waste, and vigilantly monitor our health in this final instalment of our AI series.

Transforming Nutrition: How Small Language Models Reshape the Way We Eat

What are the practical applications of Small Language Models (SLMs) in the food and nutrition sector? Our CTO explores the transformative potential for Recipe Recommendations, Meal Planning, Dietary Trend Analysis and Customer Interactions in this instalment of our AI series.

A successful omni-channel strategy: 8 tactics you could deploy to supercharge your marketing now

Eight effective tactics that will supercharge your marketing efforts and position your brand as the go-to grocery retailer of choice. This is the second instalment in a three-part series around best practices for a successful omni-channel retail marketing strategy.

A successful omni-channel strategy: 3 key factors in reaching customers effectively

An effective omni-channel strategy requires a customer-centric approach. These key factors will help you achieve that. This is the fist instalment in a three-part series around best practices for marketing in retail.

Why retailers need to look beyond product statements to accurately surface products

Relying on product statements alone simply can not deliver the product discovery experience that shoppers want and need. Here’s why it’s so important to go beyond the statement and how our TAGs technology works.

Revolutionizing retail with unmatched search and filter precision

The new partnership between Spoon Guru and the Google Cloud Marketplace ignites a retail revolution that thrusts accurate search and filter results into the limelight.